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Rhizinate 3X

We prefer this brand because…...

“Rhizinate 3X” is a highly potent form of DGL that includes glycine for additional intestinal repair, and which has had outstanding results for our patients over many years. It is three times stronger and better utilized by the digestive tract lining than its former version “Rhizinate”, and is the most effective DGL that we have experienced. It is formulated to mix efficiently with saliva which is necessary for its full effects and speeds its action. Its German chocolate flavor is delicious compared to the sometimes-unpalatable intensity of plain DGL. In blind taste tests, “Rhizinate 3X” was chosen nearly twice as often as comparably-concentrated brands, which is important for a remedy that needs to be taken two or three times daily for weeks or longer. Glycine adds to the effectiveness of DGL: it is a stable amino acid that boosts the resilience of the stomach lining against acid and can aid repair of the intestinal mucosa. It also brings further stomach protection as it is a precursor for glutathione, one of the body's natural antioxidants that can protect stomach and intestinal lining cells from oxidative damage. We have seen excellent outcomes with “Rhizinate 3X” for easing the pain of non-ulcer dyspepsia, gastro-esophageal reflux or GERD, for healing canker sores, and in several cases for reversing Barrett's esophagus on biopsy, a condition in which abnormal cells develop that increase the risk of esophageal cancer. To repair the intestinal lining we generally recommend that patients take it two or three times daily for four to six weeks. Then for prevention or minor flare-ups of symptoms they use it for a week or two.

About deglycyrrhizinated licorice and glycine

Deglycyrrhizinated licorice, or DGL, is a derivative of the botanical licorice root. It has had the component glycyrrhetinic acid removed, which has acts like the adrenal steroid hormone aldosterone that can retain sodium in the body and occasionally raise blood pressure. Without this constituent, DGL is a pure digestive remedy.

Licorice root has been used as a herbal medicine since at least 500 BC. It originated in the Mediterranean, Middle East, and central Asia, and for centuries has been cultivated widely from Spain to China. It was apparently favored by King Tutankhamen and large amounts were in his tomb, and by the Greeks. It was traditionally used as a soothing demulcent and anti-inflammatory for gastrointestinal symptoms, dyspepsia, bronchitis and coughs.

A number of studies since the 1970s years have found DGL to be more effective for healing gastric erosions and even ulcers, and for relieving gastritis and GERD pain, than placebo and maybe also than cimetidine, ranitidine and antacids. It has an excellent safety profile, is a fraction of the cost of standard medications, and its effects endure: One twelve-week trial found that only 8% of patients taking DGL had relapses needing further treatment afterwards, versus up to 16% of those who took medications. Other research found that patients taking DGL had significant reduction in gastric ulcer size compared to placebo; complete ulcer healing occurred for 44% versus only 6% of the placebo group. There is good evidence that DGL protects the stomach lining from the side-effects of aspirin: it reduces gastric erosions and lowers fecal blood loss following an aspirin dose. For duodenal ulcers, DGL has been found to be effective even for severe ulcers of four to twelve years duration in patients who were referred for surgery after trying drugs and antacids: In a two month trial, all participants had some improvement, greater with higher doses, and none required surgery over the following year. More research on DGL would be welcome, especially using patients' routine endoscopy tests to visualize improvements.

DGL works in several ways. The stomach pH is naturally between 2.0 and 3.0, this very strongly acidic environment is essential for protein breakdown and killing microbes. The stomach lining naturally replaces itself every five days, and DGL helps maintain its healthy acid-resistance. As DGL mixes with saliva it appears to stimulate the release of the body's own salivary compounds that regenerate stomach and intestinal cells. Thus it should be taken in a form that melts in the mouth. When it reaches the stomach, DGL can improve blood flow to the stomach and gut lining. It lengthens the lifespan of intestinal cells and it may directly stimulate the replacement of healthy new cells. DGL also boosts the protective coating mucin, and increases the number of mucin-making cells. Strengthening the intestinal lining, if we can achieve that, is far preferable over medications that shut down essential acid production. Proton pump inhibitor drugs such as omeprazole have an even more powerful acid suppressing effect than the older H2 blockers. Flavonoids in DGL have been shown in studies since 2000 to act against the ulcer-causing bacterium H. pylori in proportion to the dose used. Unlike antibiotics, DGL flavonoids may improve the stomach's natural self-protection against H. Pylori. For canker sores, or aphthous ulcers, DGL can work in similar ways to speed healing and protect against future recurrence. Like the stomach, the mucosal epithelium of the mouth has rapid cell turnover and good mucus protection to withstand extreme temperatures, textures and seasonings in foods. In clinical studies DGL dissolved in the mouth or used as a mouthwash led to up to 75% healing of canker sores within one day and complete resolution within three days for about 80% of patients. We recommend that patients take DGL between meals and wait at least an hour or more before eating or drinking, so that DGL can “coat” the esophagus and stomach lining and not be washed away. Having one dose at bedtime allows it to work uninterrupted overnight.

Glycine is an amino acid, a protein building block, which is readily absorbed into cells. Its component amino and hydroxyl ions have an antacid effect, and it has been found to reduce heartburn symptoms and to promote a healthy level of stomach acid production. Because of its known role in tissue healing, glycine helps regenerate the stomach lining, and has a protective effect against aspirin. As a precursor for glutathione, a key intrinsic natural antioxidant, glycine also helps to protect the intestinal mucosa cells from oxidative damage. It further supports intestinal health via its liver-tonic role: glycine is able to bind to metabolic or toxic waste products to hasten their degradation and removal by the liver, and it nourishes and protects hepatic cells.


1 tablet provides: Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL) Glycyrrhiza glabra Root Extract 400mg, Glycine50mg.

Other Ingredients:fructose, organic agave syrup, natural flavors from coconut and milk, cocoa bean powder, rice starch, silicon dioxide, and organic gum acacia.

Free of: - This product does Not contain: artificial coloring, artificial flavoring, preservatives, parabens, gluten, corn, ingredients of animal origin, shellfish, egg, salt, sugar, soy, wheat, yeast.


Always take natural remedies under the supervision of your health care provider. Do not use 'Rhizinate 3X' without consulting your physician first if you have persistent upper abdominal pain, heartburn or reflux: have a thorough medical evaluation to determine the cause, as peptic ulcer complications such as bleeding, perforation or obstruction are medical emergencies. Do not use 'Rhizinate 3X' without the advice of your healthcare professional if you take warfarin, as licorice may speed the breakdown of warfarin and decrease its effectiveness, so that clotting times are shortened. Your warfarin dose may have to be adjusted; make sure to have clotting times measured regularly. Monitor your blood pressure carefully if you have hypertension or take medication for high blood pressure such as hydrochlorothiazide, losartan, Lisinopril, spironolactone or diltiazem. Although glycyrrhetinic acid is removed from DGL, it may rarely increase blood pressure. Do not use 'Rhizinate 3X' during pregnancy or nursing unless under the guidance of your physician, as there is insufficient data for DGL or glycine on safety during pregnancy.


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